Project Management
The last of the trilogy.

Based on prior evidence, the Client contributes to the demise of projects in one of three ways.

So let's recap, we have looked at 3 big reasons why projects fail  ...  then we looked at how the Project Sponsor might contribute to that. So now, let's look at the role of the Project Manager  ...

So let's look at what the evidence says on Project Managers  ... typical causes of failure are:

So, let's take look at each of the reasons and explain the detail

1. The Project Sponsor
Project Sponsor exist typically on large projects (where there is no project sponsor, replace with project manager.

Fundamentally the role of the project sponsor is to ensure that the right projects are born, properly specified and resourced and ensure that they stay on course and stay the course. The tools available to them to ensure this are the Project Charter and Project Reviews.

  1. The Project Sponsor
  2. The Project Manager
  3. The Client

Well maybe that's the end of the post  ..  I have given the end away at the beginning. You might even suggest that it is a bit flippant  ...  well read on and see what I have to say.

So, the imaginatively named "First Post". Here I would like to share thoughts on REAL project management for real people and projects - be they very small or very large.

I have been stalling this day for a long period of time - but now it's out there.

Project Management and being a member of a project team has been my role for a long time now - all told 22 years as either a business owner and/or project owner.

I have noticed that Project Management is dealt with in a very formal and formulaic way - I want to change this and bring some fun to the discussion as well as some light.

I believe that do develop a great project culture, we must understand and foster the behaviors that lead to great projects - since culture is made up of consistent behaviors. When we drill down, behaviors are stored habits, so forming the right habits are key to ensuring great project performance.

Here we will explore the habits we need to develop to be great project contributors.

So I leave you with
1. Culture is made of
2. Behaviors which are formed by
3. Habits which we can all develop

Also, take a look a my screencasts and let me know what you think.

Until soon.