Project Management
The last of the trilogy.

Based on prior evidence, the Client contributes to the demise of projects in one of three ways.

1. Demands
Firstly, by making demands that cannot be met with the TIMFRAME or BUDGET of the project - the is a duty on the client to understand these elements and understand the risks of ever growing demands - often referred to as Scope Creep.

Secondly, changing demands - "I want it in red, not white as previously agreed" - this leads to delays, cost overruns and frustrations which can lead to a progressive (or regressive) breakdown in communications.

All of the above should be managed by the change management process, but fundamentally, the project manager needs to get the client on to the same wavelength as he is on - the process might help but without a good working relationship, it wont work.

From the clients perspective, the time to be demanding is upfront - the getting what you want phase. Then, once you lockdown on quality, scope, budgets and timelines, move to the wanting what you get mindset - it will work best for everybody - it doesn't mean no change, but that change is limited to the absolutely necessary items.

2. Definition of Success
The client needs a clear vision of what a successful outcome would be and she/he needs to infect everyone on the project with this same vision or purpose if the project is to be a raving success - without this, the project is on a bad path.

3. Over Demanding
It is good to be pushy on occasion, but when the demands keep escalating and nothing is good enough or achievable, it ultimately lead a force which saps the motivation from people - we need to ensure that the project environment is populated with energy givers, not energy takers.

That's it - love to hear your thoughts.

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